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- Doomed
- Prinzessin Theradras

- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 516
Infos zu 2.1
Zitat von Tigole, Originalpost gibts schon nimmer
Q u o t e:
Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about the same subjects – subjects that have been addressed in an upcoming patch – so I wanted to let you guys know where things stood.
The Rogue Situation
We’ve done a tuning pass of many of our dungeons/bosses/encounters to ensure that nothing overly punishing occurs to “melee DPS’ that would lead people to favor ranged DPS over Rogues/DPS Warriors etc.
Also, we’ve changed the NPC cleave mechanic so that it’s now a frontal cone ability rather than a 360 degree chain attack. Sweeping Strikes has been removed from all Burning Crusade NPC’s.
We’re also reducing the Glancing Blow damage penalty for creatures 1-3 levels higher than the player. This will have a significant effect on melee DPS as it relates to endgame melee dps. More details on this at a later time.
End Game Itemization
As we’ve stated before, we made a lot of improvements to endgame gear progression. To put it in perspective, take a look at this Warrior Tanking Breastplate from before and after.
Destroyer Chestguard – Currently
+24 Strength
+22 Agility
+39 Stamina
Blue Socket
Yellow Socket
Red Socket
Socket Bonus +6 Stamina
Equip: Increases Defense Rating by 23
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 16
Equip: Improves hit rating by 18
Destroyer Chestguard – Patch 2.1.0
+21 Strength
+22 Agility
+51 Stamina
Blue Socket
Yellow Socket
Red Socket
Socket Bonus +6 Stamina
Equip: Increases Defense Rating by 23
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 20
Equip: Improved hit rating by 20
”Trash” Concerns
Equally interesting yet non-epic-dropping non-bosses (or “Trash” as he community likes to call it) has been of concern lately on these forums. In all of our 25 person raid zones we’ve made a number of bug fixes and tuning adjustments. For example, the trash should be significantly easier to clear in most cases – and take less time. Also, we’ve lengthened the time between respawn on a lot of the trash. Yes, trash will respawn in some cases. It’s a pacing mechanic and one that works well when tuned correctly. For example, the trash before the Prophet Skeram or the trash before Attumen the Huntsmen or the Maiden of Virtue works well. You get a couple of tries on the boss, and if you fail, you spend a short time re-clearing. Yes, there are cases of the trash respawning too fast or the trash being too difficult or too lengthy. Those are the cases we hope to fix. We’ve also fixed some bugs that were allowing the trash to respawn after the boss for a certain area was dead.
We’re making substantial changes to the way certain consumables work . In particular, Flasks and Elixirs are going to undergo major changes. More information will be available later on. We want Flasks and Elixirs to be a part of the game. We want alchemy to be a cool, needed profession. But we want to remove the tedium and cost from the massive consumable farming that’s going on for endgame raiding. We’ll provide more information soon – but for now, expect big changes to Flasks and Elixirs.
Boss Tuning
We’re looking at the boss tuning from dungeons to heroics to raids. Your feedback is being listened to.
To Summarize
We’re making big improvements to the game. Whenever possible, we hotfix changes to get them to you as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, there are many changes that require a patch and cannot be hotfixed. Many of these changes are coming in Patch 2.1.0. The patch will be on PTR’s in the upcoming weeks. You’ll be able to see them there and try them out for yourselves. You’ll also be able to test Black Temple. We’re also looking into ways of making Hyjal accessible on the PTR as well to get more testing on that zone.
I can assure you that we’re aware of the issues you guys are discussing on the boards and we’re listening closely. We’re also dedicated fans of the game ourselves. We play it every day
We will affect change as quickly as we can. Patch 2.1.0 will be on the PTR soon enough and you’ll all have the opportunity to comment and make suggestions on the changes.
Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it. -Richard Feynman
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- Octavius
- Wilder Bär

- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 135
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Na da bin ich mal gespannt wie Schneesturm den Alchi verändert...
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- Doomed
- Prinzessin Theradras

- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 516
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Unsre Priester(naja bis auf Raki) und unser Jäger, äh Fallensteller dürfen sich auch besonders auf den kommenden Patch freuen
Tigole schrieb:
There are also Holy Priest changes in the works. Hunter raid DPS is being looked at. Many engineering changes....etc.
There are lots of things I didn't mention. Just because I say we're looking at certain things, doesn't mean other things aren't being looked at.
Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it. -Richard Feynman
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- Halmir
- Ragnaros
- Ort: aut
- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 1086
Re: Infos zu 2.1
"being looked at"...naja mal schaun, hoffentlich kein nerf ;(
inoffizielles Raidmaskottchen a.D. i.R.
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- Doomed
- Prinzessin Theradras

- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 516
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Noch Druckfrisch
Ach ja, da der Thread im Berufe Forum gepostet wurde, stehen auch nur Änderungen von Berufen dabei
We have taken the time to put together a brief preview of the Profession changes for the upcoming content patch. This list does not contain all of the upcoming changes, but instead gives a brief look at what is to come.
* Elixirs now stack in two categories, Battle (Offensive) and Guardian (Defensive) Elixirs. You can only have one of each type of Elixir up at a time. As a result Elixirs now stack with class abilities such as "Arcane Intellect."
* Four new defensive elixirs have been added. Two are on trainers, one is in Halaa and one is in Cenarion Expedition.
* "Flask of Petrification" can no longer be turned off during its duration, but it now will clear all threat from all monsters for the duration of the effect. Though monsters may reaquire you after the effect ends.
* The cost to purchase Imbued Vials has been reduced.
* Enchant Bracer-Spellpower had its primal costs reduced slightly.
* Enchanting recipes that increase spell damage now also increase healing as well.
* The "Major Defense Bracer" enchantment has been moved from Ethereum Researchers to Ethereum Nullifiers.
* A recipe for "Frost Grenades" and the "Icy Blasting Primers" needed to make them are now on engineering trainers.
* Engineering recipes can now be placed in engineering bags, as can engineer made fireworks.
* Many engineering recipes will now give skillups for longer than the previously did.
* "Seaforium" now opens locked chests as well as locked doors
* The Poultryizer and Nigh Invulnerability Belt now cause mishaps less often.
* The Goblin Rocket Launcher cooldown has been reduced significantly.
* 11 new epic goggles have been introduced at 350 engineering skill and are available from the trainer. They range from cloth to plate, and have a variety of stats to appeal to most talent specs.
* The fishing timer has been reduced from 30 to 20 seconds and it now takes less time to fish.
* The fishing timer can no longer run through its duration without a fish biting.
* Fishing has been removed from Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley.
* You can now fish in Underbog.
* The jewelcrafting UI now has gems split up by color so it is easier to find gems of a specific color to create.
* A number new gem cuts to existing gems have been added to the game. Included among them are a spell hit gem and more multi-stat gems that have attack power on them.
* Jewelcrafters can make two new melee oriented meta gems. One is found randomly as a world drop and the other sold by the <Faction> reputation vendor.
* Thorium requirements for most recipes has been reduced.
* Prospecting now always yields at least 1 gem. Overall, the amount of gems received from prospecting has been increased.
* New recipes have been added that use the Jaggal and Shadow Pearls.
* Skinning higher level creatures will give more leather; you will no longer get a single leather scrap.
* "Knothide Armor" kits now require less leather to make and give skill increases for longer.
* Leatherworking made primalstrike set now has an attack power set bonus rather than a strength set bonus.
Beitrag geändert von Doomed (2007-04-09 20:28:25)
Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it. -Richard Feynman
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- Pamesa
- Hogger
- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 284
Re: Infos zu 2.1
So kann man den Kräuterbedarf auch senken. Einfach weniger Elixiere nehmen *grins*
dies ist kein Spam
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- Doomed
- Prinzessin Theradras

- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 516
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Naja, genau den gleichen Vorschlag gabs von der Community als mögliche Lösung
Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it. -Richard Feynman
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- Halmir
- Ragnaros
- Ort: aut
- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 1086
Re: Infos zu 2.1
super leatherworking änderungen 
inoffizielles Raidmaskottchen a.D. i.R.
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- Octavius
- Wilder Bär

- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 135
Re: Infos zu 2.1
hmm, mal abwarten. die sollen lieber mehr kräuterspawns einbauen und die geistesblitze ein klein wenig häufiger kommen lassen.
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- Rakesch
- Administrator

- Registriert: 2007-02-19
- Beiträge: 1860
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Hm, also keinen bis an die Ohrenspitzen zugedröhnten Newone mehr?
Goil, das Angeln wird leichter 
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- Maccna
- Grüner Murloc

- Ort: Burscheid
- Registriert: 2007-02-21
- Beiträge: 69
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Ein Schlag ins Gesicht aller Professional-Angler ... bald rennt ja wohl jeder mit dicken Fischen rum 
FSK 12: Der Gute bekommt das Mädchen
FSK 16: Der Böse bekommt das Mädchen
FSK 18: Alle bekommen das Mädchen
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- Rakesch
- Administrator

- Registriert: 2007-02-19
- Beiträge: 1860
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Ich bin erst bei 335 Angeln. Bis zum Patch werde ich dann wohl schon auf 350 sein. Bin nur ein Semi-Professioneller.
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- Barahir
- Wilder Bär

- Registriert: 2007-02-22
- Beiträge: 131
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- Tamira
- Lavapack
- Registriert: 2007-02-19
- Beiträge: 957
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- Rakesch
- Administrator

- Registriert: 2007-02-19
- Beiträge: 1860
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Ich will ein Flugmammut 
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- Tamira
- Lavapack
- Registriert: 2007-02-19
- Beiträge: 957
Re: Infos zu 2.1
ich will den drachen - wird aber wohl unerreichbar für mich sein
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- Thorsschmatt
- Thermaplugg
- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 420
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Ich mag die Änderungen an den Berufen so weit :p
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- Doomed
- Prinzessin Theradras

- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 516
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Ich hoffe, dass sie die Spawnrate auch noch erhöhen oder man mehr rausholen kann, aber das wird wohl ein Traum bleiben
Physics is like sex. Sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it. -Richard Feynman
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- Thorsschmatt
- Thermaplugg
- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 420
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Hmm die Frage ist was genau die neuen Rezepte sind.. eventuel halt etwas schwächere Flasks der momentanen Varianten, etc
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- Picapica
- Hogger
- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 205
Re: Infos zu 2.1
ich hoffe mal, das dies nicht die angekündigte "Renovierung" der Ingenieure darstellt, denn an unserm grundsätzlichen Dilemma ändert sich nichts: Eigentlich ist NIX Verkaufbares dabei ausser Zielfernrohren. Nett, dass Seaforium Charges jetzt auch Truhen aufsprengen (so wie schon zu Betazeiten) - schlecht für Schurken, die NOCH weniger gebraucht werden ^^. Frostbombe mit CC Efekt? Das wäre was für mich. Ansonsten meh...So wie ich die Änderungen sehe, hat jeder Beruf ausser Schneidern ein paar Zückerchen in den Po geblasen bekommen - die schmerzhaften Nebeneffekte einiger Änderungen beruhen darauf, dass es Würfelzucker war ;-p
Beitrag geändert von Picapica (2007-04-11 08:36:40)
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- Rakesch
- Administrator

- Registriert: 2007-02-19
- Beiträge: 1860
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Würfelzucker in den Po geblasen.
Pica, deine Sprache passt sich immer mehr der Gilde an 
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- Tamira
- Lavapack
- Registriert: 2007-02-19
- Beiträge: 957
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Rakesch schrieb:
Würfelzucker in den Po geblasen.
Pica, deine Sprache passt sich immer mehr der Gilde an 
Heute in der Kapelle Northshire
Leviatanisch - eine Fäkalsprache die den Drachen weckt
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- Barim
- Administrator

- Registriert: 2007-02-20
- Beiträge: 674
Re: Infos zu 2.1
hm lecker fäkalsprache.wer ist der ober linguistiger dafür?
Rakesch: noch 1 report und ich banne dich für 24 stunden.
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- Rakesch
- Administrator

- Registriert: 2007-02-19
- Beiträge: 1860
Re: Infos zu 2.1
Tamira schrieb:
Dozent Tamira und Dozent Rakesch
Unterthemen wären:
Dozent Tamira: Totale Selbstsicherheit bei völliger Ahnungslosigkeit
Dozent Rakesch: Die Kunst der Nutzung des Wortes "Scheisse" (ich erinner mich immer noch an den Raid
Kam bei Aran wieder des öfteren vor :-(
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- Tamira
- Lavapack
- Registriert: 2007-02-19
- Beiträge: 957
Re: Infos zu 2.1
mhmh ich vermisse das